Last week MADE had our photo shoot for our new women’s collection and we have a behind the scenes look! We were so excited to work with the incredible photographer Louisa Meng (@louisacreative) and you can find her work at: www.louisameng.com. Our Creative Director, Selda Merzouki (@seldamerzouki), worked with MADE to design the women’s clothing line and the photo shoot concept as well as cast the shoot. Vicente Corona (@Vcentecorona), our videographer for this shoot, also shot the video on our homepage from our last shoot. Madelyn Jones (@maddiesmakeup), our make-up artist, also helped us with our last shoot and Bonita Sorrentino was our model from NEWARK MODELS 23 Agency that helped our vision come to life.
The clothes from this photoshoot will be available on madeblanks.com at the end of the month, so stay tuned and subscribe to our email newsletter to get alerted when these styles and color pathways will be available!

Our concept was to use mannequins to have an open ended conversation about the relationship between model and mannequin. The French word for model is mannequin and, until the 1920s, models were still referred to as mannequins. The word “model” grew in popularity with the rise of department stores and retailers hosting fashion shows in the 20’s and now the word “model” is the English norm. Both the mannequin and the model represent a blank slate that highlights the clothes that they wear so that the designer’s vision can be seen, but they couldn’t be more different. Mannequin’s being a literal blank slate, do succeed in highlighting the clothes they wear, but they fail to breathe life into the garments as they lack motion and life. We leave it to you: what are your thoughts on the dichotomy between mannequins and models?

Written by: Jessica Egizii